15 Simple Stress Reduction Techniques

An image of an Afro-bohemian woman poet performing at a vibrant speakeasy, her back to the camera, facing an attentive audience..png

When was the last time you were able to relax? It is easy for stress to build up without you realizing it. After a while, you may begin to believe that being irritable, sad, or restless is your natural state.

Meanwhile, chronic stress has an impact on your body. It can weaken your immune system and put you at risk for a variety of medical problems, including heart disease and diabetes.

There will be stressful events, but you have control over how they affect you. Try these suggestions for increasing your resilience and creating a more peaceful environment.

Boosting Your Resilience:

1. Take it easy. You’ll probably get more done if you don’t rush around. Reduce the size of your to-do list to a manageable size. There will be scheduled breaks throughout the day.

2. Take a deep breath. Your emotions are inextricably linked to your breathing. Lie on your back with one hand on your abdomen. Your body will naturally begin to breathe more deeply from your diaphragm rather than shallowly from your chest.

3. Have a good laugh. Humor dispels tension. Look for the humorous side of adversity. After a long day, call a friend who makes you laugh or watch a funny movie to lift your spirits.

4. Consume nutritious foods. Maintaining a healthy diet will improve your body’s ability to cope with stress. Get the majority of your calories from whole, natural foods. Reduce your intake of added sugar and salt. Weight loss should be done gradually and safely.

5. Get plenty of rest. Attempt to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. Adjust your bedtime by an hour each night until you can wake up feeling refreshed. Maintain your new schedule even on weekends and holidays.

6. Get some exercise. Exercise is a healthy way to deal with upsetting news or workplace conflicts. Purchase resistance bands to perform strength training exercises at home. Take an online yoga class or go for a walk.

7. Make something. Another stress reliever is creativity. Choose a medium that appeals to you. You could paint with watercolors or sculpt with metal. You might prefer poetry writing or folk dancing.

8. Communicate with friends and family. Create a network of mutually beneficial relationships. Maintain regular contact with family and friends.

9. Speak up for yourself. Inform others of how they can assist you. Ask for what you require in a tactful and direct manner.

Changing Your Environment:

1. Clean up the clutter in your environment. An organized home and workspace will help you feel less anxious.

Get rid of anything you don’t use very often. Donate it to a good cause or sell it on the internet. If you can’t part with it right now, throw it away or store it somewhere out of sight.

2. Give your space a calming aroma. The fragrance is invisible but significant. Put on your favorite perfume.

Use aromatherapy with calming essential oils such as lavender and chamomile.

3. Listen to music. Create the mood you want with sound. Create a playlist for various activities. You could unwind by listening to soft piano music or show tunes.

4. Take in the silence. On the other hand, the absence of sound can be relaxing. Turn off your devices for a set period of time each day, such as at mealtimes and before going to bed. If you need to block out noisy neighbors and heavy traffic, invest in a pair of noise-canceling headphones.

5. Use nature to decorate. Green spaces are invigorating. Increase your time spent outside and bring nature into your home. Plant ferns and herbs. Throw a floral print throw over your couch.

6. Make a safe haven. Create a meditation room or area in your home. If you have difficulty meditating, you can use it for reading or relaxation exercises instead.

Stress management is an ongoing process. Take some time every day to consider what you can do to make your surroundings more peaceful in order to protect your health and well-being.